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Jogging Tour: Sart Station 

Relais des Fagnes-Sart Station-RAVeL-Hockai-Relais des Fagnes

  • Total distance 8.0 km - very quiet course covering 2 km of downhill, plus or minus 5 km of false flat and another 1 km of downhill to finish.

  • Except in a period of excessive rain, the course is practically dry for the whole of the route.

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  • You start on the "Route de Hockai", at the exit of the Relais des Fagnes, to the left towards the main road.

  • You will cross the main road and enter the street opposite.

  • Keep running straight ahead, ignoring the side streets, until you see an electricity tower on your left.  Here you choose the street on the right, the one opposite the tower. Follow it to the main road and cross it again.

  • On the other side of the road you enter the road which is now called the RAVel, but which used to be a train bed.

  • After running quietly for 2 km on the false flat, you will see a first bridge in front of you and here you simply go under it.

  • At the second bridge, however, you take the path on your right, which climbs steeply.  At the top you go to the right; a little further on you keep to the right and follow the road which then turns to the left.

  • You are now on the Hockai road, the road to the Relais des Fagnes, which you will reach after the last two kilometres.

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